Monday, March 29, 2010

A Portrait (t-shirt)

I like this shirt cuz it's drawn really awesome. The shirt costs $21.99 on Etsy (made by AkumuInk) and would look totally awesome with NEON skinny jeans (I know things) but you can wear it however. The kitty doesn't look like it wants to be held though....

STEAMPUNK CLOCK CLOCK (i know what i said)

Hi, I'm Dani's daughter (i know right?) , Anika, and I LOVE steampunk stuff, so I really have to show you this!!!Here's a clock...with a clock on it! And it's awesomely steampunk! This clock costs $37.00 and works (but the small clock on it is probably just for show...) and looks so cool it's insane! I like the weird light bulb dude! :D he's so cool!   Buy it on Etsy (made by CyberMoon) cuz that's only where you can get this!!!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring finds!

Spring by solstar95